about treatment

Diabetic Foot Care

Who is this treatment for ?

Diabetes is on the rise with over 4 million people living with a diagnosis and there are nearly a million more living with type 2 diabetes who don’t know they have it because they haven’t been diagnosed yet.

There is strong evidence that people with diabetes are more prone to foot related complications, and some of the the first signs/symptoms of the condition can be found in the feet. Such as damage to nerves, known as neuropathy, and to the blood supply (circulation). A combination of a loss of feeling in the feet leads to increased loading on the feet and reduced circulation leads to the skin being less resilient to the increased loading, which can result in areas of hard skin, breakdowns and ulceration.

These complications can develop gradually and can lead to serious damage if they go unchecked and untreated. If you have diabetes and are not confident in dealing with your own feet or don’t meet the criteria for treatment on the NHS and want a review of your current foot health status, then we have the experience to provide a comprehensive assessment for you.

What to expect at the appointment?

At your appointment we will provide routine treatment and will assess the following:

·       Neurological assessment

·       Vascular assessment

·       General condition of your feet

·       Footwear assessment

·       Risk assessment

Is there any aftercare?

If the assessment identifies any issues that require further attention, then we will inform your GP/local surgery.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Treatment Summary

For those with diabetes, who want advice and to know their current foot health status. We offer a comprehensive diabetic foot assessment.

New Patient Assessment
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