about treatment

MSK/Biomechanical/Sports Injury Assessment

Who is this treatment for?

Musculoskeletal injury in most cases is the result of tissue stress, where the load placed on tissue is greater than the tissue can tolerate. This can affect bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints and other soft tissue structures.

Whether you are participating in a sporting activity regularly or have just increased your day to day activities, these increases can result in a musculoskeletal injury.

This is when you need to be assessed and diagnosed by a MSK podiatrist with experience and knowledge of lower limb and foot pathologies and evidence based treatment options.

What to expect at the appointment?

A musculoskeletal assessment initially will involve a non weight bearing assessment. The range of motion of joints and soft tissue structures of the foot and ankle will be assessed/tested to identify if or how they are contributing to the injured or painful areas. This is combined with a weight bearing assessment which includes assessing the patient statically and while they walk. Also an assessment of footwear and activity levels will be discussed.

A diagnosis will be established and an appropriate treatment plan will be advised.

Treatment options can include; Strengthening/stretching exercise plan, Orthoses/insoles, Taping, Strapping, Padding, Modification of activity levels, Advice on footwear.

Is there any aftercare?

We offer a review by phone or in person, which will be dependent on where you are with your symptoms and progress, and if there is a need for further treatment options.

If required we will refer you on to your GP/private health provider requesting imaging or to other medical/health specialists involvement.

Conditions we treat;

·       Achilles pain

·       Big toe/joint pain

·       Dorsal/top of foot pain

·       Flatfeet

·       Heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis)

·       Knee pain

·       Limb length discrepancy

·       Medial/lateral ankle pain

·       Metatarsalgia/forefootpain

·       Peroneal tendinopathy

·       Plantar plate injury/tear

·       Sesamoiditis

·       Shinsplints (MTSS)

·       Tibialis posterior tendon dysfunction

Arthritic Joints
Big Toe Pain (Hallux Rigidus)
Calf tightness/strain
Cuboid Instability/Syndrome
Extensor Tendinopathy
Flexor Tendinopathy
Forefoot pain
Functional/structural Limb Length Discrepancy
In-toeing/Out-toeing Gait
Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy
Lateral Ankle Sprain
Lower back pain
Midportion Achilles Tendinopathy
Morton’s Neuroma
Patella Tendonitis
Patella femoral pain syndrome
Peroneal Tendinopathy
Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar Plate Tear
Retro-Calcaneal Bursitis
Shin pain (MTSS)
Sinus Tarsi Syndrome
Stress fractures
Structural Hallux limitus – Moderate 1st Metatarsal Arthritis
Tarsal Tunnel syndrome
Tendon/ligament injury
Tibialis Anterior Tendinopathy
Tibialis Posterior Tendinopathy
Tip toe walking
Treatment Summary

Recommended for patients who have a more active lifestyle or involved in sports, who are experiencing foot or lower limb pain or injury

Initial Assessment
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