about treatment

Nail Surgery

Who is this treatment for?

There are many reasons, as listed below, that can lead to the need for nail surgery.

·       Involution

·       Infection

·       Abnormal structure and shape (deformed)

·       Direct trauma

·       Fungal nail infection (onychomycosis)

·       Discolouration or lysis/lifting

·       Tight footwear or poor biomechanics

·       Inherited wide or curved nail shape

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and it is not responding to conservative treatment, then contact us to discuss the most appropriate treatment option.

What to expect at the appointment?

We specialise in nail surgery and depending on the condition of the nail, will remove either a Total Nail Avulsion (TNA) or a Partial Nail Avulsion (PNA) for patients with nail problems listed.

The procedure is carried out in a clean clinical environment with sterilised instruments. Before commencing we will complete a pre–surgery assessment including your medical history to make sure you are suitable. The procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic, once the nail or section is removed a chemical, called phenol, is applied the prevent regrowth. Evidence shows there is only a 5% chance of regrowth with this treatment.

Is there any aftercare?

As part of the treatment package, there are two follow up redress appointments, usually at one week and four weeks post surgery.

Avulsed Nail (Nail Lifting Or Detachment) (Onycholysis)
Infected toenails
Ingrowing toenails (Onychocryptosis)
Involuted toenails
Psoriatic Nails
Ram’s horn nail (Onychogryphosis)
Thick nails (Onychauxis)
Treatment Summary

Recommended for patients with ingrowing, infected, painful and damaged/deformed nails.

Nail Surgery (Total or Partial Nail Avulsion)
Additioinal Toe
Nail Surgery Assessment
Book an Appointment

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